Hoy, tu problema tiene Mediación

Estrenamos sección en El Periódico de Sotogrande, destinada a solucionar conflictos personales, labores, familiares e infantiles, muy habituales en el día a día gracias a la mediación con Catalina Bernaldo de Quirós, Directora www.co-mediación.com
Samuel soñaba con construir un robot inteligente en la Universidad. Deseaba con mucha fuerza que allí, en el futuro, nadie se metiera con él. Edu se sentaba detrás para pasar de las clases aburridas. Llegaba agotado de casa, había mal ambiente desde que su padre se fue. Manuel le hacía Bullying a Samuel: su sitio, perfecto para tirarle papeles. Samuel se callaba por no alterar la clase.
Ruth es una alumna mediadora y sabe comunicar los casos de acoso; no es una chivata, sólo odia la violencia. Quería ayudar a Manuel, comprende que un niño que agrede, es un niño necesitado. Gracias a Ruth, hubo un contacto mediador con los padres. Hoy Manuel se sienta delante, ha cambiado y pedido disculpas. Hoy Samuel responde asertivamente y comprende que un robot inteligente ríe y encara los problemas. Reparar el acoso es tan importante como detectarlo y sólo es posible educando en Mediación.
Today, your problem has Mediation
We are starting a section in El Periódico de Sotogrande, aimed at resolving, personal, labour, family and children´s problems that are very common in daily life, through mediation. Catalina Bernaldo de Quirós, Director www.co-mediación.com
Samuel dreamed of building an intelligent robot at University. He really hoped that in the future, nobody would mess with him. Edu sat at the back to avoid boring classes. He would arrive exhausted from the house, there was a bad vibe ever since his father had left. Manuel bullied Samuel: his location, perfect for throwing paper at him. Samuel kept quiet about it in order not to disrupt the class.
Ruth is a mediating pupil and knows how to report cases of bullying; she is not a snitch; she just hates violence. She wanted to help Manuel, she understands that he is a child that is aggressive, a child in need. Thanks to Ruth, there was a mediating contact with the parents. Now Manuel sits at the front, he has changed and is sorry. Now Samuel answers assertively and understands that an intelligent robot laughs and faces problems. Remedying bullying is as important as detecting it and is only possible by educating in Mediation.